Golfing in Hyogo

Today was second day of Osaka. I went to Hyogo for plaing golf. Today's starting time was late. We were the last party of today. Thought the last time I got a terrible score, today's score was not so bad.
Every time I went golfing, I've been taught several hints of playing. The following is today's lesson.
To strain doesn't make any good results. When I could swing without extra power, I could bring the ball on the fairway. However, to release the stress is the most difficult thing. We always have a lot of distracting thoughts(want to aim the putting green directly, don't hit toward the water hazard..). These thoughts always make unnecessary strains.
I think the principal is applicable to our lives. When we are willing to accomplish something, we tend to have same kind of thoughts(want to finish with less effort, want to get praise from someone..). They often interrupt the achievement.
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