Cebu day7

It is said that the festival is one of the biggest in the Philippine. The name is Sinulog. I and my daughter went there with my ex-teacher and some friends. We rode a jeepney to go downtown. The jeepney ride was already exciting for us. First of all, we aimed to go to Santo Nino which is the most famous church in Cebu. It is a pity that the church was damaged by last year's earthquake. However, we were able to feel the enthúsiasm of the festival.
The problem is that it was too crowded to walk along with kids. And also it was not safe. My backpack was opened stealthily and may be searched by some pickpockets. ..Don't worry. I had nothing special except for a bottle of water and kid's clothes.
I saw a bunch of people wearing beautiful costumes. At the same time, I found a carcass of kitten on the crowded road. An old woman with a vacant look was selling candles. I smelled something rotting in a stream under the bridge. Some children begged me for money. However, cheerful music was always there. People were singing and dancing. By participating in the festival, I was able to witness not only the good side of the celebration but also the realistic picture of Sinulog.
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