Cebu day12

(Graduation remarks)
Good afternoon, everyone.
As some teachers know, I already graduated from this school last year. And to be honest, I'm not good at speaking in front of people. So, I didn't want to make my own speech this time. At the same time, I'm eager to hear my daughter's speech. My daughter will give a speech. I won't. It's unfair. So, this is unavoidable.
I really appreciate teachers, staffs and management in this school. I'm happy to meet such great people. I also want to say thanks to all students for their kindness.
We, I and Yuzuki, were able to make a lot of awesome experiences here. She talks to me before she falls asleep "When can we come back here? Can I bring my sister next time?"
I promise to keep studying and come back here someday.
Thank you so much.
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