いわずと知れたPure Javaデータベース。付加的な情報をここに記載して行きます。
-「FULL JOIN」構文を持たない。
-「SELECT .. INTO ..」構文を使うと、対象テーブル(入出力)を全てCACHEDにしているにも関わらずメモリ内で処理を進めようとし、「out of memory」エラーで落ちる。
:CREATE TABLE a (id INTEGER); -- テーブルが生成されない!
:$ java -cp lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 database/mydb -dbname.0 mydb
: ...
:$ java -cp lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb. ??
:# A personal Memory-Only database.
:urlid mem
:url jdbc:hsqldb:mem:memdbid
:username sa
:package sample;
:class Functions\{
: public static int plus(int i,int j)\{
: return i+j;
: \}
:CREATE ALIAS plus FOR "sample.Functions.plus";
:CALL plus(3,5) -- 結果:8
:CALL plus(NULL,10) -- 結果:NULL
,SYSTEM_ALIASES,the aliases defined within this database
,SYSTEM_ALLTYPEINFO,a description of all non user-defined data types known to this database and the level of support for them in various capacities
,SYSTEM_BESTROWIDENTIFIER,for each accessible table defined within this database\, the optimal set of visible columns that uniquely identifies a row
,SYSTEM_CACHEINFO,the current state of the system row caching mechanism
,SYSTEM_CATALOGS,the accessible catalogs defined within this database
,SYSTEM_CHECK_COLUMN_USAGE,one row for each column identified by a contained in the
of a check constraint\, domain constraint\, or assertion.
,SYSTEM_CHECK_CONSTRAINTS,one row for each domain constraint\, table check constraint\, and assertion.
,SYSTEM_CHECK_ROUTINE_USAGE,one row for each SQL-invoked routine identified as the subject routine of either a \, a \, a \, or a contained in an \, a \, or a .
,SYSTEM_CHECK_TABLE_USAGE,one row for each table identified by a simply contained in a contained in the of a check constraint\, domain constraint\, or assertion.
,SYSTEM_CLASSPRIVILEGES,the visible user level access permissions for each Java class providing implementation for each accessible callable procedure\, SQL function\, trigger body and UDT method defined within this database
,SYSTEM_COLUMNPRIVILEGES,the visible user level access permissions of each visible column of each accessible table defined within this database
,SYSTEM_COLUMNS,the visible columns of each accessible table defined within this database
,SYSTEM_CROSSREFERENCE,a description of how the accessible tables defined within this database import visible columns to enforce referential integrity
,SYSTEM_INDEXINFO,information about the indicies of each accessible table defined within this database
,SYSTEM_PRIMARYKEYS,the visible columns of the primary key of each accessible table defined within this database
,SYSTEM_PROCEDURECOLUMNS,a description of the return type\, parameters and result columns of each accessible callable procedure\, SQL function\, trigger body and UDT method defined within this database
,SYSTEM_PROCEDURES,the procedures\, SQL functions\, trigger body routines and UDT methods defined within the database
,SYSTEM_PROPERTIES,the static and dynamic system properties and operating parameters of this database
,SYSTEM_SCHEMAS,the accessible schemas defined within this database
,SYSTEM_SEQUENCES,one row for each external sequence generator
,SYSTEM_SESSIONINFO,information about the current database session
,SYSTEM_SESSIONS,the visible sessions open in this database
,SYSTEM_SUPERTABLES,the table hierarchies defined in this database. Only the immediate super type/sub type relationship is modeled
,SYSTEM_SUPERTYPES,the user-defined type (UDT) hierarchies defined in this database. Only the immediate super type/sub type relationship is modeled
,SYSTEM_TABLEPRIVILEGES,the visible user level access permissions for each accessible table defined within this database
,SYSTEM_TABLES,the accessible tables defined within this database
,SYSTEM_TABLETYPES,the types of tables that can be created/found within this database
,SYSTEM_TABLE_CONSTRAINTS,one row for each table constraint associated with a table
,SYSTEM_TEXTTABLES,the data source descriptors of the accessibleTEXT TABLE objects defined within this database
,SYSTEM_TRIGGERCOLUMNS,the column usage of visible triggers defined within this database
,SYSTEM_TRIGGERS,the visible triggers defined within this database
,SYSTEM_TYPEINFO,a description of predefined table column data types known to this database
,SYSTEM_UDTATTRIBUTES,a description of the attributes of the user-defined types (UDTs) that are available in this database
,SYSTEM_UDTS,the user-defined types that are available within this database
,SYSTEM_USAGE_PRIVILEGES,one row for each usage privilege descriptor.
,SYSTEM_USERS,users defined within this database
,SYSTEM_VERSIONCOLUMNS,the visible columns of the accessible tables that are automatically updated when any value in a row is updated
,SYSTEM_VIEWS,the view descriptors of the accessible views defined within this database
,SYSTEM_VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE,one row for each column of a table that is explicitly or implicitly referenced in the of the view being described.
,SYSTEM_VIEW_ROUTINE_USAGE,one row for each SQL-invoked routine identified as the subject routine of either a \, a \, a \, or a contained in a
,SYSTEM_VIEW_TABLE_USAGE,one row for each table identified by a simply contained in a that is contained in the of a view
夜中に時折雷が鳴っていました。朝も少し雨が降っている様子。今日は、岡山に向けて出発します。まずは博多駅まで約180Kmのドライブ。それから新幹線で岡山へ(距離は400Km強くらいでしょうか)。 失わ
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